Climate Change Scenario and Technology Consequences

It is said that, “These are the consequences of technology”, which means that, “These are the technological outcomes”. There are many more, and all will have a significant impact on our lives. Each one of them is either a cause or an effect, and each has a certain effect on the other. For instance, increased or decreased atmospheric stability level will have an effect on the wind speed, which in turn will affect the behavior of insects and birds on a certain level. Each one of these, and many others are interconnected, and when they change, the others too change.

There are many ways in which the development of technology can have an impact on society. One of the effects is related to the dispersion of toxic chemical substances. This issue has been studied by the Environmental Protection Agency since the 70’s, and there is agreement among scientists that increasing human interaction with the environment at the global scale will have a significant negative impact on the future prevalence of toxic chemical substances. Efforts are being made by the EPA and similar organizations to reduce the pollution of petrochemicals.

Another technology consequence is related to the process of dispersion. The development of various technologies for the dispersion of materials at the source or in the field of use has had a considerable impact on the use of hazardous chemicals. The process of dispersion refers to the safe management of toxic chemicals at the source or the field of use. Safer handling regulations for chemicals have been developed in numerous countries.

There are several methods of dealing with the threat zones associated with hazardous waste. A number of applications of simulation scenarios have been developed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Defense to address the problems of toxic gases and particulates in such areas. Simulations are used in the case of chemical spills and also for determining the quantity and kind of the hazardous substances that need to be disposed off. These situations are important for the protection of the public and for the avoidance of the generation of toxic gases.

Another technology consequence is related to the effects of wind speed on the atmospheric stability level. In the field of environmental protection, there are several methods for simulating the effects of wind speed on the atmospheric stability level. This is an important part in the deterrence of the threats posed by the harmful gases produced during combustion. The horizontal spread of the pollutants is considerably reduced in case of the application of the wind speed simulation scenario.

If the horizontal spread of the pollutants is more than about ten miles per hour, the wind speed simulation would result in more than two tons of the pollutants being dispensed every year. However, if this scenario is ignored, the amount would increase to about twelve tons per year. The size of the problem is dependent on the density of the atmosphere. If the density is high, the pollutants will be dispensed even when the wind speed is low. This implies that the technology contribution made by the application of the wind speed simulation is substantial.

The technology contribution made by the use of the software for determining the spatial distribution of the pollutants can also be used to determine the causes of the occurrence of extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Extreme weather conditions are becoming frequent and more intense due to global warming. If the Northeastern United States region will not develop the technology to overcome the problem posed by the greenhouse gases, the Northeastern United States will suffer the effects. The problem is exacerbated by the increasing costs of energy produced by fossil fuel.

There are many other environmental protection scenarios that can be solved by the use of the dispersion model. When the dispersion problem is solved, there is a reduction in the emission of the harmful gaseous and particulate emissions. This will reduce the emission of sulfur oxide and hydrocarbons, and consequently, the acidity of the soil. This will decrease the acid rain effect and will contribute significantly to the environmental protection. It will also lower the temperature of the climate and help in the preservation of the climatic balance. In the end, the Northeastern United States region will still have a relatively intact ecosystem and a relatively stable environment.